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Dixons Trinity Academy

Our academy is now closed for the summer break. We look forward to welcoming students back from 29 August. Read More

More time

Like many independent schools, we have a longer teaching week. In addition to our 33 50-minute lessons, we run five half hour Morning Meetings, five half hour reading sessions, and up to two hours of Prep and electives in sport and the arts over the course of the week.

A significant number of students are also expected to attend morning intervention from 7.30am or after school intervention, which may run until 6pm. With an extended academy day, students have more time in the classroom to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding, as well as more opportunities to broaden their education.

At Trinity, we believe that there are no shortcuts to success and our students would not make the progress they do without more time in school.

The details of our day can also be found in our Family Handbook.